Making game fun without giving everything away by viewing the source code?

Is it possible to play a quest game but hide the source code?

Any techniques for obscuring game play?

Self-control? :lol:

ty13r wrote:Is it possible to play a quest game but hide the source code?

Not really. Perhaps when the game would only be playable online and Alex would remove the download button from the game page.

Pertex wrote:


Is it possible to play a quest game but hide the source code?

Not really. Perhaps when the game would only be playable online and Alex would remove the download button from the game page.

Oh awesome this is the exact type of solution we're looking for. We're currently constructing a game that leads to a Bitcoin prize.

What's the best way to contact Alex?

I read the forums...

But there's no way of completely hiding a game's code. You could obfuscate it yourself somehow but ultimately a .quest file is just a .zip with an .aslx inside which anybody could look at.

Pertex suggests making a game online only, but that's not realistic unfortunately - the game ultimately has to be available online somewhere for the online runner to play it, and in the near-ish future the online runner is simply going to be JavaScript that downloads and runs a game locally on the user's browser anyway, so you wouldn't be able to use this to hide the solution to a game.

If games were only available to play online, that would clear up some free time for me because I'd simply stop bothering with them at that point.

while I'm not sure how certain extension files or operating system files or system files or certain software files or etc professional IP/works, get encrypted, other than having your own custom code language with custom encoder/decoder, especially making a game/your code be at the assembly language level (or even lower, such as at the hardware level itself), thus I don't see any way of protecting your IP/source code, other than creating your own custom encoder/decoder, but even then, that can be distributed too, by the people you'd give the decoder to for them to play your game, so I don't know of any solution to this issue, aside of from however professionals (certain extension files, operating system files, system files, certain software files, etc) encrypt their products' IP/source code, meh.

I only just started to learn about this type of stuff from my assembly language and computer architecture class (which I dropped out of, hoping to retake it, and doing better next time around).


another option would be the legal route: put a legal warning, and if anyone other than you, view your game's source code, you take them to court for violating that legal warning...

HegemonKhan wrote:another option would be the legal route: put a legal warning, and if anyone other than you, view your game's source code, you take them to court for violating that legal warning...

That'd be pretty hard to enforce. The person who looks at your source code might not even be in the same country as you so issuing legal proceedings would be difficult to say the least. Even if they are in the same country, legal proceedings aren't cheap. You could sue them for looking at your code, but odds on it'd cost you a lot more in legal fees than you'd get off them in any settlement (assuming you even won your case, which is pretty doubtful). Then there's the fallout from it. Taking legal action against someone just for looking at your code, which is freely available, isn't going to reflect well on you.

In other words: way more trouble than it's worth.

I was well aware of all of that, the legal/justice system is really a big bernie madoff panze scheme for lawyers to get even more rich, but it's an option for the poster. At the very least, it'd put a bit more fear/intimidation into people, maybe.

It'd be far more likely to make the dev look like a pathetic blowhard, deserving of mockery. Making empty legal threats that can't be enforced, even if someone looking at the source code could even be proved, isn't going to make a good impression with anyone and will make you look like a complete joke to most.

Asking politely, would have the same practical effect, and at least not make the internet think you are an idiot, an incompetent programmer, and a terrible person, all at the same time.

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