
I've had an idea for a while for a game based on hacking. I don't want to give too much away, but for it I need a fictional Programming Language, which is relatively realistic but extremely simple, to use as commands.

What are you asking here? Are you asking for suggestions on language creation or how to go about setting the game?

this can be difficult to do, as you're essentially trying to create parsing (string-manipulation-scripting and etc) for your own code engine, on a very simple scale though of course.

I think it'd be better to use what you already got with quest itself, and just make it look like a hacking program for the person playing the game.


this is a pretty common thing/idea actually of a lot of people, so we've already got some people here that have been trying to make the exact same game... though good luck going through all the threads and posts, looking for them... lol


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