Wait + Get Input ='s Cry

I know that a while back some people asked questions about how you cannot put a "get input" and "wait" in the same scripting zones or whatever they are called. Here's my coding dilemma.

I have a "wait" about half-way through the text ((just to break it up a little))...and at the very end of the text, I have a "get input" question giving the player a choice on how they would like to respond. Is there anyway, to "pause" the scripting, or anything after the "wait" command is executed that has been discovered. Like for example...

Blah blah blah text


((Magic feat of coding))

Get Input.

If not, that's a bummer.

I'm not sure I'm clear.

So you want:

This is the body of text, bla bla bla bla


This is the rest of the text, i.e "What is the password?"


Get input

I'm not really sure why you want the pause, so knowing may be relevant.

For now, I imagine you could use the HideCommandBar and ShowCommandBar functions with a wait in between, but you need to set these functions in InitUserInterface before you can call them.

The Pixie
Yes you can do it. The trick is to nest one inside the other:
msg("Blah blah blah text")
wait {
msg("((Magic feat of coding))")
get input {
msg("You typed: " + result)

I think the issue you were thinking of, was if you did looping, where you'd have an issue with 'wait' and 'get input'. But, there's no issue if you don't loop. You just need to "nest~chain~contigious sequence" the scripts like Pixie has already shown.

Fantastic! Thank you everyone. I thought of putting them inside one another, but I didn't think that was going to work! Appreciate it!

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