[SOLVED] Publishing Problem

What gets pulled into the .quest file when clicking tools --> publish.

I know X2 is large, but it is NOT 80,000KB large! I think it is pulling a lot of mp3's that no longer are in use in my game and maybe even all of the stuff I used in X1. If I can find the contents of the .quest file, I could remove them either from becoming part of the X2.quest file or remove them after publishing, but for the life of me I cannot understand where/what gets pulled for publishable file.

EDIT: Is it pulling everything from the same folder that my .aslx game file is located?

Please Help!

The Pixie
It grabs everything that has the right file extensions (which are set in game.publishfileextensions), whether used in your game or not.

I figured that but my problem is that it has to be pulling stuff into the .quest file that I don't want. Where is/what is the name of the folder from which the files are being pulled? For example, I've got all sorts of files from my Quest creations in several different folders. Some pictures here, sound files there... How does "Publish" pick files to be uploaded (used or unused) for the game?

Sorry if I'm being incredibly dumb here, but, I don't know how to whittle my game from 80MB down to 20. Thanks.

The Pixie
In your documents folder there will be a folder called "Quest", and inside that a folder with the name of your game.

So I need to make sure all used files are in that folder and unneeded ones are moved out before I click publish. Correct me if I'm wrong.

What if I'm still over?

The Pixie
Quest (I think) will copy any files you use into that folder, unless you go into the code and give it a path, and it sounds like you have not done that, so all the files you are using will be there, it is just a case of taking out the ones you are not using.

Are there ways to compress the sound more? It is not something I have looked at at all. If you have images, PNG seems to be the format with the smallest file size.

So... I searched for all images and sound files while editing quest. I wrote them all down and removed the files that I did not use for X2. I tried to republish. It did not make a difference. It is still ~80,000KB. Perhaps the game is just that big. Is there any way an exception could be made just this one teeny-weeny time to allow a larger game. If I need to go back and either swap out all my .jpg for something smaller, I'm afraid it will be a waste of time because I don't think it will come close to dropping it down to the maximum allowable 20,000KB - actually I just converted an image from .jpg to .png and it tripled its size!!!

HELP!?! Advise please!! :x

Thanks again!

I made a folder on my desktop called "My Game"

Inside that, I have only the files that deal directly with my game (including libraries).

I also have writings from word in a different subfolder labeled "writings"

I don't believe sub-folders get pulled into the game since none of my do. But try removing all your stuff and placing it in a folder on the desktop. Just make sure you grab ALL the necessary libraries (and make a back-up in case it doesn't work) --- that solution works for me and it keeps my game where I can see it. Hope this helps!

Or you could publish your game without the sounds and pictures...and make a secondary zip-file download that contains all the necessary pictures and sounds...I dunno if that works though...

So you can only publish a game in Quest if it's 20MB or under?? >_>;

Well... I just finished with about 90 minutes of work. I changed all files over to VERY low compression (which now makes the pics looks like junk). Saved them all into my game.

And, yes... 20 MB. I had to decrease part 1 but that was easy because it was only about 22,000KB.

EDIT: Now I moved my .aslx file and all image and sound files to their own private folder as suggested. Still at a 36,000KB quest file and that is at the barest minimum I want to go... :(

Tried to publish the file anyway: got this... The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. ?

Before I start looking into how many and which sound files need to be cut, does anyone have a potential solution? Thanks.

Could I compress it and upload it? I'm not much of a computer guy so forgive if that's a dumb question.

Also, I tried converting some of the large audio files to .ogg files, but when I try to 'add sound' through the GUI the only files that it will search for are .wav and .mp3. Does anyone know how to change that? I already added .ogg as an extension that the game would recognize. I could also use this funky code that siler and Jay supplied, but I couldn't get the sounds to play using this code before:

<audio src=\"" + GetFileURL("swordsplat.ogg") + "\" autoplay></audio>")


<audio id=\"laughing\" src=\"" + GetFileURL("laughing people.wav") + "\" autoplay></audio>"

But again, I fiddled with this stuff for a LONG time and never got anywhere.

The Pixie
The .quest file is already compressed, so that is not a solution. You also may need to be careful about what sound files can be played in what browser.

Would it be possible to host sound and image files somewhere else? You would just put the URL in the audio element you have above.

Thanks Pixie, Neonayon. I have over 70 sound and picture images. I've spent a lot of time getting these pics and sounds right. Finally, I think I've found a solution (and probably the first thing I should have tried). Using Pixillion Image Converter and Switch Sound Converter (NCH), I was able to go through my files one by one and swap out larger files for converted lower quality files. I left meaningful pictures as is and decreased sound quality on pretty much all files. The good thing about the sound files is that I can't tell much of a difference anyway.

So... for all of those people out there using sounds in your game, I strongly encourage you to use a program similar to the one above and covert all sound files to low quality. It was amazing how much file space was saved.

Thanks again!

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