Simply Question

Simple question, apologies if a whole thread dedicated to it is excessive - I simply couldn't see my answer elsewhere.

How do I re-arrange rooms on the Web-Based software? I.e. I have a room, but want another room to be the starting room. How can I make it so?

Don't you just click and drag the player to the desired room?

The player is an "Object" with the "Player" option enabled, right?. I'm asking how to move one room above another room.

Regardless, I just tried moving an object & it responded the same was as if trying to move anything in the "Objects (encompassing 'Rooms' & 'Objects') pane - - - won't let me.

Father thyme
If you want your player to start in another room . Press player on the left. When the players screen comes up look in the top right . Click move. A pop up listing all objects will appear, click the room you want on that. From then on the game will start in that room.

Alright - that's perfect for this scenario actually. Thank you Father Thyme.

But is there a way to re-arrange the order of rooms visually? I.e. if on the left pane I have 3 rooms, starting with Bedroom, then Hallway, then Kitchen. Can I re-locate the Kitchen in between the Bedroom & Hallway on the left pane?

you should be able to, there's a lot of the ' click, drag, and release' mouse cursor functionality in quest, Alex made it well ! :D

just be aware of the 'parent-child' heirarchy (nesting~indenting) of the Objects (containers), for an example:

-> pants
->-> wallet
->->-> $1
->->-> $5
-> shirt
-> socks
-> shoes

the 'pants' Object is contained inside of the 'HK' Object
the 'wallet' Object is contained inside of the 'pants' Object
the '$1' and '$5' Objects are contained inside of the 'wallet' Object

HK is the main (root) parent
HK is the direct parent of pants
HK is the indirect parent of wallet, $1, $5
pants is the direct child of HK
pants is the direct parent of wallet
etc etc etc etc

so the INDENTING ("nesting") MATTERS greatly for Objects and Scripts (make sure you click on the desired 'add new script' cirlce buttons ~ not easy to do, lol ~ one of the reasons I learned to code, laughs) !!!

more examples:

-> continents
->-> europe
->->-> countries
->->->-> germany
->-> asia
->->-> countries
->->->-> china
->-> north america
->-> south america
-> oceans
->-> pacific
->-> atlantic

great grand father
-> grand father
->-> father
->->-> son
->->->-> grand son
->->->->-> great grand son

you get the idea...

programming uses "outline" heirarchy structures

HK, Drag&drop does not work in the webeditor. The editor seems to be a bit buggy. You can select 'Objects' (the first point in the tree) and then move room up or down. After saving you must reload the webeditor to see the new order in the tree

Pertex, aaaaaaaaah! Thank you very much :)

HegemonKhan, what Pertex said :P Your information, however, is naturally insightful & I thank you for taking the time to explain it :) I understand this Hierarchy system quite well now :)

my bad, there is the click and drag in the desktop version... sorry about that, didn't realize the online version wouldn't have the click and drag feature.

Using this on the Windows-Based application - - - how can I re-arrange objects within a room? I've got, for example, Wheat at the top of the objects in a room, but then wheat1 at the bottom. I've tried dragging, but it always puts it into whatever object I let go of the mouse on, as opposed to in between... & in the "Objects" tab as you mentioned, Pertex, I can't seem to move certain objects up or down after a point or at all.. so here, I can't get Wheat1 to re-unite with wheat, as other objects are stuck in between.

in the windows app you can select the room and move objects up and down in the Objects tab. This is not working with exits or commands in that room. The "normal" objects can only be moved within the parent object.

Erm, ok. Take a look at this video? I'm trying to move Wheat1 next to Wheat using all available methods known to me thus far from this thread x3 ...

Edit: Apologies, I'm now in the "Objects" tab under "Room1" specifically, instead of the global Objects: ...

They still seem to get stuck. I'm unsure why, as the keys have no special properties to them ...

hmm, that seems to be a bug

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