Setting a Maximum for an Attribute?

Having trouble again and I can't find the answer in the how to pages, although one page said "this could also be used to set a max on an attribute" it didn't exactly say HOW to do that.

Basically I'm having two issues, one is with the player's HP. I know how to increase the number, but is there a way that would stop it at a certain number but it still editable of which that max number is? For example let's say the max HP is 10 and the character is down to 5, but eats a healing item that restores 10 HP. How can I have the item increase the attribute by 10 but stop the HP from going higher than the Max? That way in this case he/she would only heal 5 points, but later on how can I make it that his max then becomes twenty so if he/she is in the same situation they would now heal the full 10 points giving them 15?

The second issue is with a clock I was trying to get to work and I'm thinking whatever way to set max would help as it is displaying alright except when it gets past 00:59. It switches to 00:60 before jumping to 01:01 when it should skip 00:60 and become 01:00 instead...

hopefully this works (HK crosses his fingers)

(let me know if this doesn't work, also, if you're using quest version '560', then you got to change the code line '<asl version="550">' below to '<asl version="560">' instead)

create a new game file, open it up with a text software (notepad, wordpad, notepad++, apple: text editor, etc), highlight and delete it's entire code, then copy and paste my code below into your new game file, save it, and then play~test~study it.

<asl version="550">
<include ref="English.aslx" />
<include ref="Core.aslx" />
<game name="testing game stuff">
<object name="room">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="player">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<inherit name="editor_player" />
<attr name="current_life_integer_attribute" type="int">250</attr>
<attr name="maximum_life_integer_attribute" type="int">500</attr>
<attr name="life_string_attribute" type="string">250/500</attr>
<statusattributes type="simplestringdictionary">life_string_attribute = Life: !</statusattributes>
<object name="life_50_potion_1">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<parent type="object">room</parent>
<alias>life 50 potion</laias>
<consume type="script"><![CDATA[
if (player.current_life_integer_attribute < maximum_life_integer_attribute) {
player.current_life_integer_attribute = player.current_life_integer_attribute + 50
msg ("You consume the potion, restoring back 50 life.")
if (player.current_life_integer_attribute > player.maximum_life_integer_attribute) {
player.current_life_integer-attribute = player.maximum_life_integer-attribute
<displayverbs type="simplestringlist">look;take;consume</displayverbs>
<inventoryverbs type="simplestringlist">look;drop;consume</inventoryverbs>
<object name="life_100_elixir_1">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<parent type="object">room</parent>
<alias>life elixir</alias>
<consume type="script"><![CDATA[
if (player.maximum_life_integer_attribute < 999) {
player.maximum_life_integer_attribute = maximum_life_integer_attribute + 100
msg ("You drink the elixir, increasing your maximum life by 100.")
if (player.maximum_life_integer_attribute > 999) {
player.maximum_life_integer_attribute = 999
} else {
msg ("You already have the total maximum life, at~of 999, so you can't increase it any more.")
<displayverbs type="simplestringlist">look;take;consume</displayverbs>
<inventoryverbs type="simplestringlist">look;drop;consume</inventoryverbs>
<defaultexpression>You can't consume that.</defaultexpression>
<turnscript name="global_turnscript">
<enabled />
player.life_string_attribute = player.current_life_integer_attribute + "/" + player.maximum_life_integer_attribute


you use the 'modulous' OPERATOR: %

it's simply a division operation, but it gets (outputs~returns) *ONLY* the remainder value, unlike a division operation: /

for example (conceptualization only):

60 sec / 60 = 1 min
60 sec % 60 = R0 = 0 sec
// correct: 60 sec = 1 min and 0 sec

90 sec / 60 = 1 min
90 sec % 60 = R30 = 30 sec
// correct: 90 sec = 1 min and 30 sec

60 interval (such as for doing seconds, minutes, etc), conceptualization only:

value modulus_operator interval_dividing_value = R (remainder) # (0 through 59)=output_value~return_value (aka the remainder value)


12 or 24 intervals (such as for doing 12 hrs or 24 hrs):

value % 12 = (0 through 11)
value % 24 = (0 through 23)

etc etc etc


if you want to see a super convoluted way of doing a countdown timer without the modulous operator... (laughs):


it took me forever to get this to work, laughs

Thanks for the info! I'll give this a shot later when I get home!

The Pixie
Have two attributes, player.hp and player.max_hp Whenever hit points can increase, just add the increase, say inc, then check if the new value is over the max, and if it is, set to the max:
player.hp = player.hp + inc
if (player.hp > player.max_hp) {
player.hp = player.max_hp

Alright so mostly all of that was quite helpful. The only thing I'm not understanding right now is what value to I use for the hours. Like I have the minutes working by having a turn counter. Basically game.turns gets plus 1 each turn (obviously lol) and game.minutes=game.turns%60

However which value should I use to add hours to the clock then?

the below is JUST~ONLY for 'clock time' displayment, if you want the total seconds~minutes~hours~etc, we need to do some different and~or extra stuff. (If you want~need to get or also get the 'total time' then let me know, as your setup which I respond to in this post, only deals with 'clock time', and not 'total time').

// conceptually (civilian: am~pm): 0 to 11 hrs + 0 to 59 minutes + 0 to 59 seconds
// and~OR
// conceptually (military): 0 to 23 hrs + 0 to 59 minutes + 0 to 59 seconds

the simpliest (which your setup, of '1 turn = 1 second', is already set up for nicely, hehe):

game.total_hours = game.turns / 3600
// 1 hour = 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 3600 seconds~turns
// 1 hour = 60 (game.minutes=game.turns / 60) = 60 game.minutes = game.turns / 3600

// game.total_minutes = game.turns / 60

but if you want 'clock time' (and not just 'stop watch' total hours of counting up or down), you'll need this extra part on it too:

game.civilian_12_am_pm_hours = (game.turns / 3600) % 12
// conceptually: game.civilian_hours = game.total_hours % 12
// AND~OR:
game.military_24_hours = (game.turns / 3600) % 24
// conceptually: game.civilian_hours = game.total_hours % 24


however, there's lots of options~methods~means~configurations of doing time, as well as it also depends on exactly what~how you want to do the use and~or design of the involvement of time, aka how simple vs complex is your time usage~involvement within your game.



game.turns = 0
game.turns = game.turns + 1
game.total_minutes = game.turns / 60
game.total_hours = game.turns / 3600 // OR // game.total_hours = game.total_minutes / 60



I forgot to mention that there's Pixie's Clock (Time, Date, and etc) Library:

viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2580 (Pixie's older~original Clock Library)

HK EDIT (I'm not hallucinating!): Pixie's new'er Clock Library: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5233



maybe I'm getting old and hallucinating~imagining things, but didn't you make a new'er Clock Library somewhat recently (or you made~upgraded some other library of yours somewhat recently, but just not your Clock library ~ HK memory confusion but not hallucinating at least, lol) ???

HK EDIT: woot, I'm not hallucinating, you indeed did make a new clock library, lol: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5233

err... I got confused in my above post (I think ~ I really hate time and date stuff, so confusing... and math heavy, I hate math!)... the modulus operator (%) still causes me confusion, laughs...

your 'game.minutes=game.turns%60' Attribute, is actually saying: 1 turn = 1 minute, which if this is what you want, then change out my '3600' to just '60'.

if you want: 1 turn = 1 second, then change your Attribute of 'game.minutes=game.turns%60' to 'game.minutes=(game.turns/60)%60' or to 'game.seconds=game.turns%60'

Thank you very much. Yes I am doing 1 turn = 1 minute as although not all actions would actually take a minute, a single second per turn would make the day/night cycle run way too long. I'll give it a shot with how you have described and let you know if it works for what I need. Thank you again.

Edit: Yes it worked perfectly for my clock. Which looks like this...

game.turns = game.turns+1
game.minutes = game.turns%60
game.hours = (game.turns/60)%24
if (game.minutes<10) {
game.clockMinutes = "0"+game.minutes
else {
game.clockMinutes = game.minutes
if (game.hours<10) {
game.clockHours = "0"+game.hours
else {
game.clockHours = game.hours
game.Time = game.clockHours+":"+game.clockMinutes

the site's code box is nice for code (as it keeps the indenting~'nesting' formatting intact) and~or for walls of text (as it's confined to the code box, which can scroll up and down to see all of it, thus keeping your post small~smaller, which is nice).

this is the code tag for the code box:


but without the periods in the brackets, which will produce this:


and if you want to do the quote tag box:




again, without the periods in the brackets, producing this:

HK wrote:the_quote


or, without the quoted user's name (though it nulls the purpose of a quote, in not giving the required credit, laughs):


again, without the periods in the brackets, producing this:


And thank you once again!

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