First person player

Father thyme
I am not a very technical person so don't baffle me with science. I would appreciate if someone could tell me how I can write the player in the first person.
IE " I can go north, west or east, " I am carrying a banana. I can't see that. Etc
I tried to do it with "The tree" I but am not 100% with the result. I had to shut down "you can go directions. The default replies could perhaps be altered.

Hey Father thyme, glad you decided to join us. :) (everybody check out this guy's games, they're pretty great)

Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't help you with this one...I know in ADRIFT it's just a matter choosing the option, and I assume there's some simple method in QUest too but at the moment I can't find it. Trying to click around in the online version with the spotty wi-fi I have here isn't working out too well. :(

Jay or Pixie or one of these smart people will be along to help you shortly I'm sure.

(Hegemon is not allowed to post, he will just give you eight pages of code to look at and make you run away :P)

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as flipping a switch. The "You"'s are embedded directly in the template strings. So you'll have to copy the templates into your game and then modify. The not-so-bad news is there might not be too many to do, depending on which commands you wish to use.

Hmm, maybe that could be a suggestion for an enhancement to future additions then. An option somewhere in the game settings that does this for the player.

Father thyme
Thanks folks but I just don't have the savvy to copy templates. It might indeed be an idea to put it in as an option in future quest updates. I'll drop that idea for the moment.

The Pixie
Look in this file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest 5\Core\Languages\English.aslx
All the templates are defined there. There are a lot, but not all would be relevant. If you fancy going for it, save the file to your game folder as EnglishFirstPerson.aslx. In your game, go into code view from the menu, and change the third line:
<!--Saved by Quest 5.6.5508.33899-->
<asl version="550">
<include ref="English.aslx" />
<include ref="Core.aslx" />

To this
<!--Saved by Quest 5.6.5508.33899-->
<asl version="550">
<include ref="EnglishFirstPerson.aslx" />
<include ref="Core.aslx" />

Father thyme
Thanks Pixie, but I can't do coding. I wouldn't have any idea how to do as you suggest.The only basic code I know is/was Sinclair. I learned that on a speccy 48k 30 years ago or more. Things were a lot more simple then. If I ever write in first person I'll wait for Quest to add it on an update. I am too old to change my spots now. I just do this as a relaxation and a way to stave off dementia.

The Pixie
You should not need to code. There is code in the file, but that can all stay the same. It is the text that needs to be changed. For example, one of the early one is this:
  <template name="UnresolvedLocation">You can't go there.</template>

Ignore the bit inside angle brackets (< and >), just change the text itself:
  <template name="UnresolvedLocation">I can't go there.</template>

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