Documentation Update

I see a lot of new game, object, verb etc. properties that do not appear in the Quest 5 documentation. When will the documentation be updated, or information on these additions and changes that are not covered by the descriptions of version changes? I find it much easier to program elements and scripts directly rather than using the Editor.

Could you give examples of what you mean? (I actually don't know the state of the Quest documentation, so I don't know if the omissions are already known or not.)

The Pixie
I agree that the properties of these things are pretty poorly documented, especially when compared to functions. If a property appears on a tab, then you get some clue about it, but there are others you have to delve deep into Quest to find. Each room has a Boolean attribute called "visited" that is useful if you want to know if the player had been there yet, but is not documented anywhere as far as I know and does not appear on any tabs. I discovered just yesterday that rooms have a "transparent" flag; not documented anywhere.

The Pixie
You can get a list of properties for an object using the GetAttributeNames function:
msg(GetAttributeNames(myobject, true))

For a room, you get:
name; elementtype; type; visible; displayverbs; inventoryverbs; take; use; givesingle; drop; gender; article; isopen; open; close; container; descprefix; objectslistprefix; exitslistprefix; contentsprefix; description; scenery; hidechildren; listchildren; usedefaultprefix; volume; dark; lightstrength; darklevel; grid_width; grid_length; grid_fill; grid_border; grid_borderwidth; grid_bordersides; grid_render; grid_label; grid_parent_offset_auto; grid_parent_offset_x; grid_parent_offset_y; pov_alias; pov_alt; pov_look; pov_gender; pov_article; feature_usegive; feature_container; feature_switchable; feature_edible; feature_player; feature_lightdark; changedparent; changedisopen; changedlocked; changedswitchedon; 

The list for an object is pretty similar. Most of them are easy to guess from the name. However, it is not comprehensive, as some attributes get added during play (such as the "visited" flag on rooms) or are only present if set (such as the "transparent" flag), so to be sure to get all properties you would need to go through all the code. The "parent" attribute is present by default for an object, but not a room, but can be usefully set for a room.

I am not planning any documentation updates. If you find a gap, you can ask here or log an issue on GitHub. If you want to update the docs yourself, you can do that too via GitHub (fork the gh-pages branch, make your changes, send a pull request).

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