[SOLVED] First option in Show Menu is not clickable

Me again. x( So sorry for all the questions.

Anyways, here's the problem. I've got Show Menu all set up with a list and all, and then I run the game and when I reach the menu (which has two options, by the way), clicking the first option does nothing. Even though both options are underlined, indicating they are hyperlinks. Clicking the second option works fine, though. And typing the numbers before them (1/2) works.

Theater.Ans = NewStringList()
list add (Theater.Ans, "Stay. It's just until the end!")
list add (Theater.Ans, "Leave. Now. This place makes you nervous and you have to check on Seelby.")
msg ("It's small and dim, devoid of anything apart from a large, flat screen TV playing what looks like a soap opera and two recliners - but as you squint into the darkness you can make out a figure resting on one of them...<br/><br/>\"Mim!\" you exclaim as the feline jumps off the recliner in surprise.<br/><br/>\"Oh, {player.alias}! Were you behind me the entire time?\" Mim asks, looking a bit guilty.<br/><br/>\"What? No, I've been looking for you everywhere! How'd you get in here, anyway?\"<br/><br/>\"Well, the code isn't exactly original,\" Mim answers with a laugh. \"I guessed a few times and voila! Access granted.\"<br/><br/>Frustrated, and a bit embarrassed, you grab Mim's paw. \"Whatever. Come on, this place gives me the creeps.\"<br/><br/>\"Wait!\" she says, pulling away. You stare at her in disbelief. \"Can't we stay? Just until the end?\"<br/><br/>\"Are you <i>serious</i>?\" <br/><br/>\"Yes! I am. It's, uh,\" she starts hesitantly before releasing a sigh. \"I loved soap operas, okay? I never thought I'd get to watch another one and I... yeah.\"<br/><br/>You open your mouth, irritated and ready to tell her \"no\", but you pause. On one hand, the last time you saw Seelby, she'd fainted. Who knows whether or not she's recovered by now. On the other, do you <i>want</i> to leave so soon? Would it hurt to lean back on one of those recliners for a few minutes? You're worn out, on edge, and you doubt you can take much more without some rest.<br/>")
wait {
Show Menu ("So, <b>what do you do?</b>", Theater.Ans, false) {
switch (result) {
case ("Stay. It's just until the end!") {
msg ("Sighing, you give in and plop down onto the recliner beside Mim's. As the two of you watch the melodrama unfold, you can't help but ask, \"So, they got any popcorn around here?\"<br/><br/>\"Nah,\" Mim replies absent-mindedly, her attention on the TV. \"I checked. It's all spoilt.\"<br/><br/>\"Bummer.\"<br/><br/>You return to watching the soap opera in silence, wondering whether or not you made the right choice.")
wait {
PrintCentered ("<br/><b>THE END</b>")
case ("Leave. Now. This place makes you nervous and you have to check on Seelby.") {
msg ("\"Look,\" you tell Mim with a sigh. \"While I'd love to stay in this sorceress-forsaken place and watch soaps with you, Seelby is back there and, possibly, she needs our help. So we have to move. Now.\"<br/><br/>\"Seelby?\" the feline responds, eyes wide. \"What happened to her?\"<br/><br/>\"Some weird plant thing bit her and she either fainted or, well, I'm not sure. All I know is that we have to get back there and see if we can do anything to help.\"<br/><br/>\"All right, all right. I... we can always come back and watch some other time, right?\"<br/><br/>You laugh. \"I highly doubt I'm coming back here anytime soon. Now, come on!\"<br/><br/>With that, the two of you set off into the maze full of wreckage, semi-confident that you'll find your way back. You only hope that Seelby is fine.")
wait {
PrintCentered ("<br/><b>THE END</b>")

I appreciate any help! :D Thank youu.

The Pixie
You cannot have an apostrophe in the string.

No idea why, and it took me ages to work out when it happened to me. Makes me wonder if there are any other "killer" characters, but that is the only one I have found so far.

Thank you! Changed the sentence a bit, and removed the apostrophe, and it worked awesomely. :)

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