Shopping - adding money to total when taking money

I've been using the shopping library by the pixie but I'd like to add money to the total that the player carries when s/he picks up/examines a wallet. I can't get my head around the script I should run to add, say, €500 to the total when the wallet is either picked up or opened. On top of that I need to ensure that if the wallet is dropped and picked up again, another €500 is not added to the total.

Any clues?

In your start script add:

wallet.taken = false

Then on taking the wallet (or whatever) add this script:

if (wallet.taken = true) {
msg("The wallet is empty")
} else { msg("You find £500 in the wallet and take it.")
// put the script that adds the money to the player object here
wallet.taken = true



ask if you need help

The Pixie
Silver wrote:In your start script add:

wallet.taken = false

Then on taking the wallet (or whatever) add this script:

if (wallet.taken = true) {
msg("The wallet is empty")
} else { msg("You find £500 in the wallet and take it.")
// put the script that adds the money to the player object here
wallet.taken = true

The script that adds money should be: = + 500

Apologies for the late reply. Thanks for these pointers, I shall implement them this weekend.



OK, I've implemented this and it adds the €500, which is great. Thanks for your help on that. However when I drop it and pick it up it adds another €500 to my total. Perhaps I missed the part in your explanation about how to prevent this but so far I have:

After taking the object

wallet.taken = false
if (wallet.taken = true) {
msg ("The wallet is empty")
else {
msg ("You find £500 in the wallet and take it.") = + 500
wallet.taken = true

Any pointers?

You misunderstood what I meant by add the first bit to the start script.

remove this:

wallet.taken = false

from that script. Where it is now it's telling the game that the wallet hasn't been picked up every time it's picked up.

What I meant originally is in order to use the boolean attribute in your game you have to tell the game about it. Click on 'game' and then there should be a tab called 'scripts' and then a section where you want scripts to happen as the game starts. You put it in there to tell the game that as the game begins wallet.taken hasn't happened (you're saying that attribute exists but it is currently false). You can also do this in the attributes tab but I just prefer to do it in the start script.



Initial Setting:

'game' Game Object -> 'scripts' tab -> 'start' Script -> (set it up; see below but its in pseudo-code):

light_switch_on_the_wall.is_the_light_switch_on?_boolean = false


Separate Action (the 'room' Object's 'light_switch_on_the_wall' Object's Verb called~named 'flip', for example):

'room' Object -> 'light_switch_on_the_wall' Object -> 'flip' Verb:

if (light_switch_on_the_wall.is_the_light_switch_on?_boolean = false) {
msg ("You flip the light switch on, the dark room becomes illuminated.")
light_switch_on_the_wall.is_the_light_switch_on?_boolean = true
} else if (light_switch_on_the_wall.is_the_light_switch_on?_boolean = true) {
msg ("You flip the light switch off, the illuminated room turns pitch black) {
light_switch_on_the_wall.is_the_light_switch_on?_boolean = false


if you've got the initial setting as part of the Action, then it doesn't work, see if you can understand why on your own: a logic challenge for you, hehe.

Right, now I understand. Thanks, Silver, and to HegemonKhan for that example.

using the computer's command line~prompt (start -> run -> cmd), as this is similiar to one of the simpliest~first languages: MS-DOS

quest's Scriptings (Commands, Functions, Turnscripts, Timers, Verbs ~ 'Script' Type Attributes, and etc) act in this same way: as the looping blocks


we want code that will count up by 1, starting with 0, thus like this:

0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> etc etc etc


Wrong structure:

x = 0
x = x + 1
goto start // this loops back to the ':start'


x = 0
x = 0 + 1 = 1
x = 0
x = 0 + 1 = 1
x = 0
x = 0 + 1 = 1
etc etc etc

the initial setting of 'x = 0' is inside of the looping block


Correct structure:

x = 0
x = x + 1
goto start


x = 0
x = 0 + 1 = 1
x = 1 + 1 = 2
x = 2 + 1 = 3
x = 3 + 1 = 4
etc etc etc

the initial setting of 'x = 0' is outside of the looping block


example in quest:

the 'foreach' is a built-in automatic looping function, as it is applying the scripts for each~all~every thing in the list


let's say I want to create my own list displayment:

1. blah1
2. blah2
3. blah3
4. blah4
etc etc etc

--- this was before I knew about:

DisplayList ( ... ylist.html )

DisplayList (Object_name.ListAttribute_name, true:ordered_or_false:disordered)

DisplayList (Object_name.ListAttribute_name, true)
DisplayList (Object_name.ListAttribute_name, false)

lololol ... I wonder if the 'DisplayList:ordered' is achieved as I did did it, hmm... hehe


Wrong structure:

foreach (color_variable, split ("red;blue;yellow", ";")) {
x = 0
x = x + 1
msg (x + ". " + color_variable)


1. red
1. blue
1. yellow


Correct structure:

x = 0
foreach (color_variable, split ("red;blue;yellow", ";")) {
x = x + 1
msg (x + ". " + color_variable)


1. red
2. blue
3. yellow

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