Using Command Link to trigger 'use' function

I've now learned how to use the command link to create a hyperlink in the room description, but only to do simple things like move a player. But how would I use it to trigger the use of an object?

Let's say I have a password system on a computer. The player types '>use computer' and they get the message:

Logging in. Please wait...

Enter password

The player enters the correct password and it triggers whatever. But if they enter an incorrect one, I print the message:

Incorrect password entered | Try again

Where Try again is a hyperlink. I want that hyperlink to trigger the same action as typing 'use computer' does.

How would I do that?

I did try this, but to no avail. I opened up the Library Elements, found 'use', then clicked on the code icon so I could see the script, copied all the code to my clipboard, then went back to the 'try again' command that I'd created and pasted the 'use' script into it.

I tested this, but get the error:

Error running script: Error compiling expression 'HasScript(object, "try again")': Unknown object or variable 'object'

So I tried changing all instances of 'use' in the code to 'try again' but I still get errors.

Holy cowpats, I did it again!!

CommandLink("use epad", "Try again") :D

I've only been working on that since midnight :roll:

Just one tiny thing. In that the above is an expression, could I add any text on the same line that isn't the link?

I want an incorrect password to give:

Incorrect password entered | Try again

How would I put the 'Incorrect password entered |' on the same line as the link?

As always, the text processor is your friend. :)

msg("Incorrect password entered | {command:use computer:Try again}")

No need for script, etc. This will show "Try again" but execute "use computer" when clicked. Text markup is da bomb. lol


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