Link colour

Very sorry to have flooded the place with questions tonight, but how do I change the link colour?

I've just used a 'wait for key press' command and noticed the 'continue' link is a horrible blue colour that hardly shows up on my black background. It's also slightly indented to the rest of my text.

I tried a:link { color: #ccc; } in the CSS, but it didn't work.

It's been a while, but I believe adding this line will work:


It's from this other thread: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4270&p=30218

That might imply that:

a.cmdlink { color: #ccc; }

in your CSS would work as well.

Thank you.

Does this work when playing online? I'm trying to show the object link colours online

You can just change the object link colours in game setup if you created the game using the offline editor.

My problem regarding this is that I experimented with removing the underline for links but it only worked for in game hypertext links and not html ones for outside sources. I'm sure there's already a thread on that though that I need to search for.

I did that but it's not working when playing online.

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