changing the underline links to bold text

Does anyone know if there's a way to change the default underline links to appear in bold instead; in a way that could be set up once when the game starts?

Add this function into your game:

  <function name="GetCurrentLinkTextFormat" type="string">
return (GetCurrentTextFormat(GetLinkTextColour()) + "font-weight:bold;")

This replaces the built-in GetCurrentLinkTextFormat, to add in an additional "font-weight:bold" CSS style for links.

Jay, where are you finding these functions? I didn't see them in the function list on the docs site.

Thanks again, Jay!

Is there a certain place to put it in the code, it's making the listed exits in bold/underline...but it's not working on game objects I create, which still show up as in default.

<asl version="550">
<include ref="English.aslx" />
<include ref="Core.aslx" />
<game name="Prototype Demo">
<inherit name="theme_novella" />
<showpanes type="boolean">false</showpanes>
<attr name="feature_pictureframe" type="boolean">false</attr>
<attr name="autodescription_youcansee" type="int">0</attr>
<attr name="autodescription_youcango" type="int">0</attr>
<attr name="autodescription_youarein_useprefix" type="boolean">false</attr>
<showtitle type="boolean">false</showtitle>
<setcustomwidth />
<customwidth type="int">720</customwidth>
<setbackgroundopacity />
<backgroundimage type="string"></backgroundimage>
<showlocation type="boolean">false</showlocation>
<setcustompadding type="boolean">false</setcustompadding>
<showborder type="boolean">false</showborder>
<echocommand type="boolean">false</echocommand>
<command_newline />
<gridmap type="boolean">false</gridmap>
<menufont>Georgia, serif</menufont>
<underlinehyperlinks />
<object name="Graveyard">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
<description>An old {object:tombstone} is hidden behind a bunch of dry grass.</description>
<beforeenter type="script">
picture ("room_01.gif")
<exit alias="down" to="Crypt">
<inherit name="downdirection" />
<object name="tombstone">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<object name="Crypt">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
<description>You're standing in the dusty vault of the Drake families hoary crypt. A stone {object:sarcophagus} dominates the center of th floor, and a stairway leading {command:up} returns to the surface...</description>
<beforeenter type="script">
picture ("room_default.jpg")
<exit alias="up" to="Graveyard">
<inherit name="updirection" />
<object name="sarcophagus">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<useindividualverblist />
<examinethestrangesigils type="string"></examinethestrangesigils>
<attempttoopenthelid type="string"></attempttoopenthelid>
<usedefaultprefix />
<pattern>whats a whatsit</pattern>
<defaultexpression>"You can't what is a whatsit " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
<pattern>examine the strange sigils</pattern>
<defaultexpression>"You can't examine the strange sigils " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
<pattern>attempt to open the lid</pattern>
<defaultexpression>"You can't attempt to open the lid " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
<function name="GetCurrentLinkTextFormat" type="string">
return (GetCurrentTextFormat(GetLinkTextColour()) + "font-weight:bold;")

george, I do searches through the core source to see how it all works... :)

Unfortunately, objects don't use the same code. Add this function override as well to your game:

  <function name="ProcessTextCommand_Object" type="string" parameters="section, data">
objectname = Mid(section, 8)
text = ""
colon = Instr(objectname, ":")
if (colon > 0) {
text = Mid(objectname, colon + 1)
objectname = Left(objectname, colon - 1)
object = GetObject(objectname)
if (object = null) {
return ("{" + ProcessTextSection(section, data) + "}")
else {
if (LengthOf(text) = 0) {
text = SafeXML(GetDisplayAlias(object))
if (game.enablehyperlinks) {
linkid = ProcessTextCommand_GetNextLinkId()
colour = ""
if (HasString(object, "linkcolour") and GetUIOption("UseGameColours") = "true") {
colour = object.linkcolour
else {
colour = GetLinkTextColour()
style = GetCurrentTextFormat(colour) + "font-weight:bold;"
return ("<a id=\"" + linkid + "\" style=\"" + style + "\" class=\"cmdlink elementmenu\" data-elementid=\"" + + "\">" + text + "</a>")
else {
return (text)

(I hate having to replace a large function like this for a single line change, but what can you do?)

Thanks again for this, it's all really aesthetics, but for me personally having objects in bold is easier on the eyes and I think they stand out more from the text and look less like a wiki web-link.

No problem. I'm up for aesthetics myself. The details do make a difference. :)

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