score board

I am new to this and not very capable at programming yet. So, Quest looks perfect to me. Before I really start using this marvelous textadventure development tool, I like to know whether it is possible to save the scores and names of the players to an external file, and turn this into a scoreboard, which can again be called for and shown in the game.
So, basically I'm asking whether it is possible to read and write to an external file? In a fairly easy way?
This question might have been asked before, but I could not find a straight answer.
Thanks in advance!

As Quest is browser-based (even in the desktop version - it uses an embedded Chromium browser), I don't think there is any way to go outside that sandbox and create local files. You *might* be able to use the web storage APIs via Javascript (I've been meaning to try those):

However, I have no idea how the desktop version would work with that. Worth a test at some point...

Or you could embed some JavaScript to call some external service to save scores there. Something like maybe.

Thanks for both quick answers!
I think the latter is most like what I meant.
I'd like to write all the players' score to one scoreboardfile and afterwards show the player how he or she did compared to the other players. However, this is far too complicated for me, at least for now. I'll just start with all the tutorials first :D

I think its good to have complicated ideas even from the outset. I started interested in the wearable items and lift libraries and testing them out a bit before learning the basics to build around them.

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