Updating a game?


I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I can't seem to figure out how to update a game using a file I downloaded and modified offline.

Can you clarify what you're trying to do? This game you downloaded, is it a Quest game? And how are you "updating" it and what do you want to do with it? Is it your game?

I downloaded one of my own Quest games, made progress on it offline using the downloadable editor, and would like to update the online version so it shows the same progress.

I see. I don't think there's a way to do that.

You can publish a game that you've created offline, but I don't know of a way to update the version that's in the online editor.

To publish your game, just choose "Publish" under the "Tools" menu in the desktop editor. Then upload the resulting .quest file to the TextAdventures website. You won't be able to edit it online, but people will be able to play it.

That's what I feared, but when I went to the ''Upload'' section, I saw this :

''Submitting an update? This page is for submitting new games only. To submit an update, go to your game listing first and click the "Edit this game" button.''

This snippet of text clearly states that it's possible to update a game... unless the feature was removed somehow?

I see what you mean. What I take that to mean (since I don't see way to update from an offline game) is that if you wish to update the *published* version of a game created in the online editor, then you need to go back into editing the game (online-wise) and then publish again. Seems a bit lame, but it's all I got.

I'll keep looking. I may have missed something.

Actually, I take that back. Once you've published a game, you can then go back into the published form, click "Edit this game" and then upload a new file. So that's how you update a game that's already published. But the publishing process is separate from the online editing process, and I don't see a way to populate the online editor from offline content.

Ohh, I see, so that's what they meant! That's too bad because we're working on the game as a team in different locations and we sometimes need to use the offline editor, but it's not that much of an inconvenient since we can just share the file by e-mail.

Thanks a lot for your time! :)

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